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Protect children from frostbite/Cold

A common cause of cold in children is inflammation of the Membrane Mucous between their throat and nose due to cold. Along with this complaint, many other complaints start, like runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, headache, fever and restlessness etc. There are countless types of viruses that cause cold symptoms/frostbite.

Protect children from frostbite
Protect children from frostbite

Many children suffer from six to seven colds in a year by the time they reach school age, and in some of them the colds become alarming. This is mainly because their immune system is not yet able to clearly adapt to the virus. A good thing is that the more they suffer from cold, the more their immune system improves, which further helps them in immunity against diseases.

Symptoms of a cold in children can vary depending on age.


Infants can be diagnosed with a cold by their nasal congestion. A blocked nose makes it difficult for the baby to drink milk. He cannot drink milk normally and remains hungry.

Big kids:

Symptoms of a cold in older children are different. Such as persistent runny nose or nasal congestion. Cough fever etc. Fever that goes up to 38 degrees Celsius. This fever subsides with chills.

What should be done in such a situation?

A small child who only has a runny nose, otherwise he is fine i.e. drinking milk, sleeping, breathing normally and not overheated, can be treated at home.
Place a cloth soaked in warm water on the nose. If the discharge has thickened, apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly around the nostrils and avoid the area around the nose. Lip balm can be applied on the lips of an older child. If the child is a bit older, tell him how to close one nostril and drain the secretions from the other nostril. If the child tries to forcefully expel fluid from both nostrils at the same time, then he may be at risk of an ear infection. Steam or a warm environment can help unclog a stuffy nose. Keep the child in a warm environment and give him a warm drink to drink. Plan to keep the baby's room warm and temperate. Keep the room warm to relieve the cough of the child.


Get your child checked up monthly or every fortnight by an expert child specialist. Touch the child's forehead and the back of the neck to check for fever. Babies who have a cold can't drink milk easily because their noses are blocked and their throats hurt, which takes time to drink. Have them either sit on a chair or lie on the bed with the head up. Keep feeding the baby frequently.

More frosting instructions for toddlers:

A small child may urinate frequently in case of cold. His nappy has to be changed frequently. In such a case, he may develop nappy rash. So while changing the nappy, apply some cream on his body and don't let him stay wet. A child with frostbite should continue the course of birth immunizations as usual. It is better to consult a doctor before vaccination.

Cold children become somewhat stubborn and sensitive. In such a case, they need more of your attention. Keep the child away from smoky places. Smoke increases this complaint of the child. Also, keep the baby away from direct sunlight. Regarding cold, also know that sometimes cold is caused not by extreme cold but by virus. If the child's health worsens, see the doctor immediately.

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