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Vitamin D deficiency causes diseases

Vitamin D deficiency means that our body does not have enough vitamin D in our body. This is a major problem found worldwide. More than 1 billion people worldwide suffer from vitamin D deficiency, and half of these people have vitamin D deficiency. It also regulates our bone metabolism and calcium excretion. It is also called sunshine vitamin because it needs sunlight to be active. Its deficiency can lead to many problems including weak bones, fractures, muscle weakness and other problems. The human body obtains 50 to 80 percent of vitamin D from sunlight, while the rest comes from our diet. Dark-skinned people and older people do not get enough vitamin D from the sun.
Vitamin D deficiency causes diseases

Vitamin D deficiency causes diseases:

A 14-year study by Australian experts has shown that low levels of vitamin D can also cause a number of problems with a lack of the chemical "serum" found in human blood.

Experts recruited more than 300,000 UK volunteers for the study and monitored their health and vitamin D levels for 14 years, and then looked at the causes of death of those who died during that period. During the research, the experts also took into account the amount of vitamin D deficiency in people, including blood tests, and concluded that those who are deficient in vitamin D are more likely to suffer from heart diseases, cancer and respiratory diseases. According to experts, those who died during the study had other diseases due to vitamin D deficiency, which may have led to their premature death. Although experts said that more research is needed to explore the link between vitamin D deficiency and premature death, the findings suggest that vitamin D deficiency can lead to other mental and physical problems, including bone loss.

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