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Design helps mental health for children

 According to one survey, children's social lives were disrupted by the pandemic, and more than a third (37 percent) of teenagers responded that the pandemic had a very negative impact on their mental health. done A staggering 44 per cent of teenagers said they were constantly feeling hopeless or depressed, while 20 per cent had considered extreme measures such as suicide. This survey has been conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the federal agency responsible for health in the United States. CDC Executive Bera Bowery says the Covid-19 pandemic has created a painful mental health crisis that could further undermine students' mental health. Our research suggests that this trend can be reversed if appropriate support systems are put in place around adolescents. According to experts, when it comes to building the right support system around children, this includes the architectural design of children's rooms. In other words, children's rooms should be designed from a wellness design perspective.

Design helps mental health for children

Design helps mental health for children

Planning according to requirements:

Karen Aronin is an educational designer in the northern New York metro area, designing learning spaces for teenagers and children. She says that children with special needs and different learning needs have been more affected by the pandemic. She says that when designing children's rooms, parents should consider the needs of the children rather than their own preferences. Where the children should be in the study area or the room, where the child will spend his free time, before deciding all these things, parents should observe the children. Apart from this, while designing a children's room, consideration should also be given to lighting, sound, air quality, furniture, medical, support-service and adequate presence of teaching materials.” Children's room should be kept simple, only those things should be kept which are very necessary for children. One extra thing will cause mental confusion for children.

Home environment makes a difference:

"Book Building Happier Kids". Author and certified pediatrician Hansa Bhar Goa says that the home environment is an important factor in the well-being of children and youth. "It's important for children to have one safe place in the home, which is quiet. This quiet place is usually the children's bedroom." They recommend that parents include children in their room decor choices.

Sarah Cole, an interior designer from Massachusetts, says that the color of the walls of children's rooms and the materials placed in the rooms have a profound effect on their mental health and emotions. Neutralize bright colors with lighter colors and add waves of texture to reduce anxiety in children. She says that the teenage age is actually the age of self-discovery and at this age they want to see things they like in their bedroom. It is important to make them feel that they have a support system around them, which they can be proud of. Art or decor that children like or that they have made themselves, if it is decorated in their room, it sends a clear message that it is important.

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