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The 9 Traits of a Narcissist. Me MYSELF AND I

A glance at social media shows that the world has become a victim of selfishness. At least in the world of social media. You are not wrong in reaching this conclusion. Mental health experts say narcissism has reached an all-time high and is becoming increasingly common. But why do people suffer from narcissism or narcissism in such large numbers? According to the Collins English Dictionary, narcissism means an abnormal interest in and obsession with oneself, especially one's appearance. It is another name for self-interest and an exaggerated sense of one's own importance and capabilities.

The 9 Traits of a Narcissist. Me MYSELF AND I

There are aspects of narcissism that probably exist in all of us to some degree, but in most cases it comes out in the form of an illness such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), which is the belief that you are too important.
According to British consultant Dr. Tennyson Lee, there are nine points of testing for this disease which are practiced all over the world. Five of these conditions must be met to be declared a patient with narcissism.
  1. extreme sense of self-importance,
  2. Delusions about success and power,
  3. Thinking of yourself as unique and unique,
  4. demand beyond appreciation,
  5. Being entitled to everything,
  6. thinking only of oneself in interpersonal relationships,
  7. lack of empathy,
  8. Jealous of everyone,
  9. Having a haughty and haughty attitude.

Most of the people we meet will probably have some of these characteristics, but when do they become diseases? According to Lee, this can be said when these characteristics cause these people to start creating problems and difficulties for themselves or others.

According to a study, 6% of the American population suffers from narcissism. Dr. Lee thinks the problem is bigger than expected. Dr. Lee thinks the problem is bigger than expected.

Anushka Marson left her husband who showed signs of narcissism and now works as a consultant psychologist who can help identify narcissistic patients.

They also think it is a disease and very common. According to Dr. Lee, many narcissistic patients who come to him consider themselves to be depressed. According to him, depression medicine has no effect on such patients.

Narcissism is not easy to treat. For one, narcissists tend to blame others and it is difficult to convince them that the problem lies with them. The good news is that narcissism tends to decrease with age. According to experts, one thing that is universally true is that older people are less prone to narcissism than younger people.

I'm just me! There is also a professor who believes that narcissism has decreased in universities in the last thirty years. Brent Roberts, a professor at the University of Illinois, collected data from three different universities for his research. They concluded that narcissism is easy to define but difficult to define and that social media is one of the reasons for its rise.

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