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6 Natural Home Remedies to pores problem

If you find that your facial pores are larger than usual, it is due to the accumulation of dirt and oil in the pores, which only clogs them and increases their size, which affects the beauty of the skin.

6 Natural Home Remedies to pores problem

Best 6 Natural Home Remedies to pores problem.

Home remedies are the best way to get rid of enlarged pores as they are safe, cheap and effective. Instead of using chemicals on your skin, try some home remedies that will definitely work.

Brown Sugar and Honey Scrub:                    

Honey has anti-bacterial properties and combined with brown sugar, it cleanses the pores. And brings them back to their normal size. It also maintains the skin's moisture. Brown sugar helps in removing dead skin.
Mix one tablespoon of brown sugar with one tablespoon of honey and add a few drops of olive oil. Massage this scrub well on the pores. This will clear up the pores and shrink them back to their original size.

Egg whites:                                                           

The use of egg white is very useful for removing oily skin. It tightens the skin by shrinking the pores and prevents excess oil secretion. Beat the egg whites well until foamy. Add two or three drops of lemon juice to it. Leave on for 20 minutes or until it dries, then wash off with lukewarm water.

Tea Tree Oil:                                                                      

Tea tree oil is useful for treating oily skin, acne and large open pores.
Add 3 to 4 drops of tea tree oil to a cup of water and fill in a clean spray bottle. Spray on open pores twice a day. This toner can also be applied to the open pores with the help of cotton. Clean the face thoroughly from make-up or other impurities before use.

Water Steam inhale: 

Water steam inhale cleans the pores deeply and removes dirt and excess oil. Make sure to take water steam inhale once a week and wash your face with cold water after taking water steam inhale so that the pores that are opened due to water steam inhale come back to their normal size.                                        

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Baking Soda:  
Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to a cup of lukewarm water to unclog large pores. A little on the nose and on the forehead will remove the dead skin and the pores will come back to their normal size.

gram flour:   
Using a gram flour is also helpful to minimize open pores. Its regular use keeps the skin free from open pores, acne and blackheads.
Add a few drops of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric and a tablespoon of milk to 2 tablespoons of gram flour. If necessary, add a little water to make a paste. Apply on face for 15 minutes then wash off. Open pores also cause acne so avoid touching your face frequently. Take immediate action if you see enlarged pores.

Clay face mask:  
Using mud to treat open pores is very effective. Mix two spoons of clay powder in rose water and make a paste. Add few drops of lemon juice and apply on the face. Let it sit for half an hour. Then wash it off with plain water. This mask will clean the oil and dirt from the pores and bring them back to their normal size.

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