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how to stay healthy and fit during winter

Winter season is quite tough for people with weak immunity. In this season where youngsters look very happy and cheerful, children and old people need extra care and caution in this season otherwise the cold will attack them quickly resulting in many problems. It is said that precaution is better than cure, that is, if we improve our habits, then we may not need to go to the doctor with common winter diseases, our health is in our own hands. For example, you have to avoid bacteria at school or office and avoid cold water in cold weather. There are many such precautions and habits, by following which you can spend the winter without catching a cold. Below are some effective recipes to stay healthy in winter.
how to stay healthy and fit during winter

how to stay healthy and fit during winter

Foods rich in iron

Eating iron-rich foods during winter is very important for human health. In order to maintain the level of iron in your body, it is important to eat iron-rich foods during the winter season. Pulses, red meat, green vegetables, chickpeas and dry fruits are rich in iron.

Increase vitamin D intake

People who get less than the recommended daily amount of vitamin D have been shown to have reduced bone growth, increased risk of heart disease and weakened immune systems, medical experts say. Research also emphasizes that children should be regularly checked for adequate vitamin D levels. Everyone knows that vitamin D is obtained from sunlight, but egg yolks, mushrooms, salmon, and tuna fish are also good sources of vitamin D. You can also take vitamin D supplements as advised by your doctor.

Fresh leafy vegetables

Green and leafy vegetables are vitamin-rich and ensure a balanced diet, as well as supporting a healthy immune system. According to a study conducted on mice, eating green vegetables sends a chemical signal to the body that increases specific cell surface proteins, which are essential for a functioning immune system. In this study, healthy mice that were deprived of green vegetables had a 70 to 80 percent decrease in cell surface proteins.

Benefits of physical activity

Regular daily exercise, such as brisk walking, keeps you fit and healthy. According to one report, regular exercise reduces inflammation and stress in the body because it releases stress-reducing hormones. Exercising accelerates the flow of white cells that fight against diseases and a person can be protected from colds.

Get plenty of sleep

Many viruses can be avoided by getting proper sleep required by the human body.According to a report published in the American Archives of Median Journal, adults who sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day for two weeks have more power to fight disease viruses. People who sleep 7 hours or less have a 30 percent higher risk of contracting the virus. Adequate sleep releases cytokines, a type of protein in the body, that fight infection during the immune system.

stay calm

After years of research, doctors have come to the conclusion that chronic mental pressure or stress is related to physical diseases. According to the National Academy of Sciences, if you reduce your stress, it will have a good effect on your health. You can also take yoga or meditation to reduce stress. Adhering to prayer and reciting the Holy Quran as a routine also reduces stress.

Green tea is not ordinary tea

Green tea has been used by people for centuries for good and strong health. Green tea contains flavonoids, which provide high levels of antioxidants that are essential for health. According to a study by the American College of Nutrition, green tea consumption lowers blood pressure. It also helps in reducing heart diseases.

Consumption of fruits and vegetables

If you don't like a particular vegetable but it is very useful, eat it in combination with other vegetables. This will provide you with vitamin C and a wide range of other vitamins. Similarly, you can enjoy the benefits of fruit chaat made from many fruits. There is no evidence that vitamin B can reduce the rate or duration of illness, but according to the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin C improves the immune system, which can help prevent complaints such as the common cold.

Use honey

Honey contains many nutrients and vitamins along with antioxidant properties. These antioxidant properties of honey make your body immune to seasonal diseases and keep you away from common cold season ailments. Common illnesses include colds and fevers. If you are fond of drinking tea, you can use honey instead of sugar in tea, which is also good for your throat.

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