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How to avoid having a heart attack?

Cardiology is a term used for various diseases of the heart. By not taking healthy food, smoking and not exercising, different types of diseases and problems arise in the heart and blood vessels, while high blood pressure, infection etc. also increase the risks. However, you can keep yourself away from heart diseases by following a healthy lifestyle and diet.
How to avoid having a heart attack?

Diseases like coronary artery disease (disease of the arteries that supply blood to the heart), arrhythmia and myocardial infarction are common examples of heart disease. These diseases are usually treated with drugs, otherwise surgery is required. Risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, cholesterol, eating an unhealthy diet or living with high blood pressure can weaken the heart.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is important to every beating heart because it affects the heart or blood vessels (veins and arteries). According to the World Heart Federation, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Every year, 1 crore 86 lakh people die due to this in the world. More than 75 percent of deaths due to it occur in low- and middle-income countries. Air pollution is responsible for 25% of all deaths from cardiovascular disease, which kills 7 million people every year. Psychological stress can double the risk of heart attack. In addition, 80% of premature deaths from heart and blood vessel diseases can be avoided by avoiding tobacco, avoiding unhealthy diets, preventing physical inactivity and staying away from addictive substances. Exercise, meditation and good sleep can help reduce stress levels. Heart health can be improved by resisting the harmful processes and bad habits caused by stress.

Difference Between Angina and Heart Attack

Angina and heart attack are not two names of the same disease. The temporary supply of blood to the heart occurs as a result of which the oxygen supply to the heart muscles is suspended and pain starts to be felt. This pain is called angina pain. This pain occurs during exercise or due to mental stress and is relieved by stopping exercise, lying down and taking angina tablets. Heart attack is a serious and dangerous type of angina. Its pain is very severe and continuous and does not go away even with rest. The patient has cold sweat. Frequent nausea and vomiting. The face turns yellow and the pulse starts beating fast and irregularly. Like angina, the pain of a heart attack does not end in a few minutes, because the heart muscle usually does not get enough blood and oxygen for a long time or is permanently cut off. Because of this, this part of the heart starts to die. This condition is called heart attack.

Coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease is recognized as the most common of all heart diseases. For the heart to be healthy, it is important to keep the coronary arteries (vessels) in proper condition because when the heart pumps blood, it reaches the whole body through the aorta. The first branches to arise from the jugular vein are the coronary arteries. Thus, it is first and foremost the heart's own food and oxygen supply system. Due to various reasons, these arteries or arteries become damaged due to which these vessels start to get blocked. Their blockage is called coronary artery disease.

Heart failure

When the heart stops pumping blood for any reason, it is called heart failure. It is a disease in which the heart becomes unable to pump adequate amount of blood to the body. In this disease, the right or left side of the heart is affected. However, rarely both parts are affected. Causes of heart failure include problems like coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, hardening or weakening of the heart.

Myocardial infarction

This disease is commonly called heart attack, cardiac infarction and coronary thrombosis. In this, the part of the heart muscle becomes dead where the supply of oxygen ends. Similarly, in high blood pressure, the heart muscles have to pump blood more forcefully and they start to deteriorate.


In order to keep the heart circulating effectively, it is important to keep the heart rate within proper limits. Irregular heartbeat is called Arrhythmia. Arrhythmia occurs when the heart's electrical impulses do not coordinate with the heartbeat, causing the heart to beat fast, slow or irregular. Heartbeat can become irregular due to various ways and reasons. For example
  • Tachycardia
  • When the heart began to beat very fast
  • Bradycardia
  • When the heart started beating slowly
  • Premature renal-kevular contraction
  • Excessive and abnormal heartbeats

Rapid and irregular beating of many fibers of the heart muscle, due to which the pulse also becomes irregular.

Congenital heart disease

Pakistan is one of the four countries in the world where half of the children with congenital heart disease reside. Congenital heart diseases include various diseases eg

Hole in the heart

Some children are born with a hole in the heart. This hole is found in the blood receiving chambers of the right atrium and left atrium or in the middle wall of the ventricle.

Heart muscle disorders

The muscles of the heart's valves provide power and energy to its pumps. These muscles are at risk from lack of oxygen, because just as every cell in the body needs oxygen and food, the cells that make up the heart muscle also need oxygen and food.

Obstruction Detect

In this disease, blood flow stops completely or partially in different chambers of the heart. Small lifestyle changes can improve our heart health, such as exercising 30 minutes a day, not smoking and eating a healthy diet. We have to encourage walking and cycling to increase physical activity. Apart from this, through joint strategies, one can encourage each other to make the heart healthy. Use cholesterol-free cooking oil while keeping the amount of chilli spices and salt in the food so as not to complain of high and low blood pressure. Avoid overcooking the food and make curd, cucumbers and salad an integral part of the table. When a little hunger remains, stop eating.

A Heart Attack

Heart attack or heart attack is often fatal due to inaction and not taking timely medicine. Even if life is spared, there is always the risk of another heart attack, which can lead to death. Therefore, you have to control many of your habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle. This will not lead to a heart attack and secondly, by knowing the symptoms, you can consult the doctor immediately and get medicines and diet schedule.

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