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Mosquito Infestation and Allergies

Have you even considered it? As the weather changes, people start complaining of rashes, itching or different types of allergies because every year different diseases attack along with the change of weather, including contaminated water and food, animal and house borne diseases. . In order to prevent these diseases, it is necessary to create awareness and awareness among the people along with the measures at all times.
Mosquito Infestation and Allergies

Entomologists of the National Institute of Health say that different types of mosquitoes are causing the spread of very dangerous and deadly diseases all over the world. Prevention of these diseases and their complete treatment is currently not available, however, people can protect themselves from mosquito bites by taking precautionary measures.

Cases of dengue and chikungunya are reported every year in Pakistan. Diseases like dengue fever and chikungunya are actually spread by a specific type of female mosquito (Aedes). The characteristic of this mosquito is that it has black and white stripes on its body. It breeds in stagnant clean water. Its cutting times are around sunrise and sunset. In this way, malaria is also spread by the bite of the female of a certain type of mosquito. When this female mosquito bites a person with malaria, malaria germs are transferred from the person's blood to the mosquito. These microbes grow in the mosquito's body and after about a minute, when the mosquito bites a healthy person, the plasmodium is added to the blood of the person and the malaria attack starts. Similarly, the disease called West Nile virus is also caused by the bite of a special type of mosquito Culix.

In fact, the change in weather initially brings with it some diseases and problems. This season begins with heat during the day and cold at night. This change in temperature can have very bad effects on health. If some precautions are taken to avoid these effects, winter can be spent in a healthy way. Cold weather brings with it coughs, colds, flu, fever and pneumonia, which are commonly known as weather diseases. Along with them, some germs and viruses are already causing various diseases. For example, there is dengue fever at the moment, which is a victim of people of all ages. It is generally believed that cold weather is the cause of diseases, but it is not, people do not get sick because of cold air, but there are specific germs that develop only in the mouth and become active as soon as winter comes. It is important to use appropriate clothes according to the weather to avoid the severity of the weather. Cool clothes should be worn in summer and warm clothes in winter.

Prioritize Cleanliness

Cleaning is not related to any one season, but cleaning should be done in every season. With the change of weather, if special emphasis is placed on cleanliness, germs and viruses that spread in this season can be avoided. Along with cleanliness in the surrounding environment, physical cleanliness is also very important. Generally, people say that a quick hand wash with water is enough, but it is not. Hands should be washed using soap along with water. Take special care of cleanliness especially while feeding children. For children, it is important to clean food and drink items, their utensils, hands before cooking and feeding, cleaning children's play area and cleaning their toys, even their bed. In cold weather, children should be bathed daily, but it is necessary to bathe them using warm water for cleaning.

Do not Bring Illness Home

Avoid taking children to crowded public places in changing weather. Do not take children to the hospital unnecessarily. Children can be easy targets for disease. Airborne germs and viruses can quickly affect children. Dress children appropriately for the winter season. In this case, keep in mind that the temperature inside the house and outside the house is also different in winter. Take care of children's clothes inside the house but do not completely wrap them in clothes. When going out of the house, arrange clothes for the children according to the weather.

Take Care of the Air Flow in the House

Winter season does not mean that the house should be closed completely. There should be proper arrangement of fresh air passage. A completely closed house can also cause diseases. Open air and sunshine are very important for children. Try to take the children for at least 15 to 20 minutes in the sun and open air every day or take the children outside in the open air whenever possible. It helps in improving the immune system of children. Be sure to use seasonal fruits in every season. Juicy fruits are also necessary because water is consumed less in winter, so its deficiency is filled to some extent by these juicy fruits. Also, they contain vitamin C which helps in preventing diseases. Pomegranate is useful for making blood. Carrots are also available in cold weather. Eating their juice, healthy carrots is useful for children. Apart from this, the use of dry fruit soup and ice should be kept in adults as well as in children. Fatty foods should be consumed in this season. Avoid junk food and artificial drinks. Whatever you eat, it is important to take care of your hands. It is not only necessary to eat, but proper and any food is necessary. Along with the mother, the father should also feed the small children. This gives the children a sense of a little change. If hygiene is taken care of germs and viruses can be avoided.

Concerns about Getting Sick from Mobile Phones

Excess of anything makes it harmful to health. Mobile is definitely a work invention but its unnecessary use makes it harmful for both time and health. Especially in children, the mobile phone habit affects their sleep health, studies, eating and drinking and social behaviors. There may also be concerns about getting sick from mobile phones. If someone in the house is affected by a major climatic disease such as cold, allergy, scabies, then the mobile phone going from his hands to the child can be the cause of transmission of germs and viruses. Research has also come out on the cause of cancer due to excessive use of mobile phones and more work is being done on it.

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