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What is potassium? What are the health effects of its deficiency?

You may know that bananas are rich in potassium, but you may not be aware of how important this component is to the body. Potassium helps with muscle contraction, fluid control and mineral balance in the body while also protecting against the negative effects of excess salt. In general, people eat more than the World Health Organization's recommended 2300 mg of salt, but a potassium-rich diet helps flush out excess salt from the body. Similarly, this component is also necessary to reduce blood pressure, including preventing the narrowing of blood vessels, and thus the risk of stroke can be reduced by 21%. While the chances of heart diseases are also reduced. If we lack this component in the body, what are the effects?

What is potassium? What are the health effects of its deficiency?

What is potassium? What are the health effects of its deficiency?

Always be fatigued:

If you are feeling fatigued and lack of physical energy despite adequate rest, this could be a sign of potassium deficiency. According to medical experts, the body cells need the right amount of potassium, fatigue persists despite adequate sleep, then this is an indication of its deficiency. However, often too much stress, poor diet or lack of sleep can also lead to feeling tired all the time.

Muscle weakness or stiffness:

Potassium is a very important component for seizures, when it is low, you may experience pain and stiffness in various organs.


Potassium is essential for the body's energy throughout the day. And its deficiency can slow the heartbeat. Tingling in the hands and feet, dizziness or fainting are also possible. Potassium deficiency this symptom is very important because it does not usually occur, so if ever experienced, a doctor should be consulted immediately. .

High blood pressure or heart attack:

A potassium deficiency results in narrowing of the blood vessels resulting in high blood pressure or high blood pressure, thus the imbalance of potassium and salts makes it harder for the heart to pump for strokes and heart failure. Complaining about it seems.

Bloating or gas all the time:

When potassium is low in the body, the body struggles to regulate salt levels, resulting in bloating and gas.

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