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Anemia Symptoms and Treatment

Anemia in the human body is a condition in which the formation of red blood cells decreases. Red blood cells contain a special substance called hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to different parts of the body. This substance is made up of iron and protein. Lack of hemoglobin in the blood is actually called anemia. The life span of red blood cells is 120 days. If this deficiency is found in a person, his health will face many problems. This problem is more common in women than in men. According to the World Health Organization, 29 percent of adolescent girls, 33 percent of non-pregnant married women, and 38 percent of pregnant women suffer from anemia. If we talk about Africa, Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific region, 90 percent of women are anemic, which shows the seriousness of the problem.
Anemia Symptoms and Treatment

Anemia Symptoms and Treatment


Causes include not getting enough vitamins, and iron deficiency, bone loss or other diseases. Additionally, smoking, excessive weight gain or aging can also cause this disease depletion of red blood cells also causes anemia. Many people's fragile red cells burst with the slightest pressure. It could also be because one of the patient's parents was anemic or because of an infection, germs entered the body. Apart from this, the toxins released from the body in liver or kidney disease can also cause anemia in the body. The following symptoms of anemia are usually seen.

Difficulty breathing or dizziness

Blood is red in color due to the amount of iron in hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. When the body does not get enough oxygen, the result is difficulty in breathing, while the patient often feels dizzy or light-headed.

Yellow color

If the blood cells in the body are healthy and red, the skin looks healthy. Without iron or vitamin B12, the skin does not get enough blood to reach it, resulting in yellowing.

Chest pain

Due to the lack of healthy red blood cells in the body, the heart has to work harder to supply blood to the body. As a result, the heart beats faster than normal and chest pain occurs.

Use of vegetables

According to a research, although the body gets adequate amount of iron from vegetables, but this food is ineffective in supplying vitamin B12, as a result of which the body begins to lack this vitamin, which is the cause of anemia.

Severe fatigue

According to a study by the University of Chicago, the most common and prominent symptom of anemia is feeling tired. According to research, this fatigue symptom manifests itself differently in people, some may have more and it may be due to iron or vitamin B12 deficiency, which causes shortness of breath and dizziness.

Pregnancy or bleeding for any reason

Pregnant women are more prone to anemia. Because their body needs more blood for the development of the child. It may also be that women are making adequate amounts of iron in the body, but have suffered from anemia due to blood loss due to various reasons.

Complaints of headache

When the body is deficient in iron, it tries to prioritize affecting the brain over other tissues, but even then, the oxygen supply is inadequate, resulting in inflammation of the cerebral arteries. And all the time there is a complaint of headache.

Irregular heartbeat

If there is a lack of blood in the body, the heart has to work harder to supply oxygen, resulting in an irregular heartbeat. If it happens often, you should get checked by a doctor, because it can lead to heart disease if it stays like this for a long time. If the body loses too much blood, then blood transfusion is required. Failure to do so may lead to heart failure.

Keep your hands and feet cool

Red blood cells need iron for oxygen in the blood and its deficiency affects circulation. As a result, the body feels colder than usual, which is due to changes in blood circulation. This feeling can occur even in summer and due to this the affected person gradually becomes anemic.

Precautions and treatment

People with anemia should start their treatment immediately and also change their daily routine.

  • Contact a medical specialist.
  •  Make exercise a daily routine.
  •  Add fruits, vegetables and meat to your diet.

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