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Child Obesity Causes

Parents usually think that feeding children all the time will make them healthier and in this effort, they give them burgers, chips, patties, cookies, donuts, cakes, whatever comes to hand. However, after some time, when children start gaining body fat, parents get worried because obesity is a precursor of many diseases. In fact, children eat what parents like to eat, so parents, especially mothers, need to be careful in child obesity causes.
Child Obesity Causes

Child Obesity Causes

According to the World Health Organization, the continuous increase in the number of obese children in developing countries around the world is alarming. According to the organization, these countries have to work to meet this problem on a priority basis, otherwise obesity in children can make them suffer from many diseases in the future. In Africa, the number of obese children has doubled in the last 20 years.

Medical experts assess the human body based on height, weight and age using body mass index (BMI). Only then is it determined who needs to gain weight, who has a healthy weight, who is overweight and who is alarmingly overweight. The World Health Organization says being overweight can lead to major medical problems later in life, such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. If you want to know the causes of obesity in your children, here they are.

TV in Kids Room

Scientists from University College London say that children who have a TV in their room. They are more likely to be overweight than other children who do not have a TV in their room. Scientists said that especially among girls, the more time they spend watching TV, the more weight they gain. The research was published in the International Journal of Obesity, In which 12 thousand children of Great Britain have been analyzed. Scientists say that more than half of these children have had a TV in their room since the age of seven. The researchers measured the children's BMI, the ratio of body fat to height and weight, at age 11. The observation revealed that among girls who had TVs in their rooms at age seven, 30 percent of the girls were overweight compared to girls of the same age who did not have TVs in their homes. In the case of boys, the risk is about 20 percent.

Lack of Sleep

A medical study conducted in the United Kingdom has shown that children who do not get enough sleep are more likely to be obese as they grow up. During a British study, the sleep patterns of 75,499 children under the age of 18 were studied. Health experts say that babies four months to 11 months old should get at least 12 to 15 hours of sleep, and two-year-olds should get 11 to 14 hours. The research, carried out by experts from the University of Warwick in the UK, has been published in the scientific journal Mahlep. This study is a continuation of a study conducted in the US, which revealed a link between lack of sleep and obesity. The US report said that children's intermittent sleep can cause weight changes and abnormal obesity along with changing their eating habits.

Home Environment

Include healthy foods like fresh and clean water vegetables, fruits, grains, pulses and proteins in your daily meals at home. Minimize consumption of processed food sugary drinks and juices, high salt, starch, sugar, fatty foods and fast food. Sit down and eat with your kids in a nice environment. Research has shown that children prefer to eat food served in a pleasant environment. Avoid watching TV while eating, give this time to your family and children.

Assign Chores to Children

Keep the children doing small household chores. This will increase their sense of responsibility and keep them active. Such children grow up to be more independent and self-confident than other children and feel no shame in doing their own thing.

Grow Vegetables

Grow your own vegetables at home and keep the kids involved too. If you don't have an open cover, vegetables can be grown in pots while gardening can also be done on the roof. In this way, you can not only provide opportunities for physical activity to children, but also protect them from obesity.

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