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Breath Exercise for Cholesterol

Cholesterol is the name of a chemical in the blood. Generally, it is understood that the presence of cholesterol in the blood is the name of the disease. However, the presence of cholesterol in the blood is essential for a healthy heart as well as balancing hormones. An adequate amount of cholesterol in the blood is called good cholesterol, but an increased amount is very harmful to the human body, it is called bad cholesterol. Increase in blood cholesterol level leads to many diseases. The top ones in the body are angina, heart attack and high blood pressure because cholesterol, being a type of fat, accumulates in the blood vessels and arteries and causes heart disease and imbalances in hormones. Due to which the thyroid and estrogen hormones are particularly badly disturbed.

Breath Exercise for Cholesterol

It is also very important to pay attention to exercise. I will tell you some simple exercises. However, if possible, join a yoga class for an hour every day, otherwise do the following exercises at home. Since cholesterol is related to the mind, it is very important to be mentally relaxed, deep breathing exercises are great for relaxing the mind and body. But generally people do not know how to take deep breaths and doing deep breathing exercises incorrectly does not get them any significant benefits. If your stomach goes in while inhaling and if your stomach goes out while exhaling, then understand that you are breathing incorrectly and instead of calming the person down, it creates more tension and stress. Therefore, the correct way to breathe is that while inhaling, the stomach should move outwards and while exhaling, the stomach should move inwards. Be sure to practice it whenever you get the chance, after prayer, while watching TV, or at any time. Inhale slowly and exhale slowly and keep all your mind's focus on the movements of your stomach. Gradually you will notice that you will start to calm down.

And this exercise is also great for controlling bad cholesterol. Do it on an empty stomach for 5 to 10 minutes daily. The way to do this is to inhale through the nose and then forcefully exhale through the nose while jerking the abdomen inward. As you pump your breath.

Locust Pose is also considered good for cholesterol. Lie on your back with your arms straight at your sides. Now, while exhaling straighten the legs and while inhaling try to lift the stretched legs and chest upwards. In such a way that your torso, arms and legs are up and your stomach is on the ground. Stay in this position for 10 to 15 seconds or as long as possible and then come back and rest for a while to recover your breath. And then complete 2 to 4 rounds of this asana take.


If you are also prone to obesity, do at least half an hour of yoga daily, including sun salutation, cobra, serving asana and toast. Also pay attention to the diet. Drinking a glass of gourd in the morning is very useful for cholesterol. Also, increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in your diet, especially green leafy vegetables, and avoid junk food like pizza, burgers, shawarma and curry.

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