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What is the benefit of 10000 steps a day?

Did you know that walking 10,000 steps a day can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and premature death? Yes, this has been reported in a recent study by researchers from the University of South Denmark. So what are you waiting for, put on your shoes and go for a walk in the open air but don't forget to count your steps.
What is the benefit of 10000 steps a day?

Experts also say that even if you walk 10,000 steps or less, just remember to take a brisk daily walk for good health and longevity, but the health benefits increase with each additional step and the 10,000th step. But they reach the end. After that, the effects start disappearing. Step counting is especially important for people who are busy with unscheduled activities such as housework, gardening and taking pets for a walk.

One of the most striking findings from this study was the association between steps taken to perform activities of daily living and lower risks of cancer and heart disease, said study co-author Stunt Prof. Borjadel Pozokars said.

Commenting on the study, Andrew Freeman, director of cardiovascular prevention at the US CDC, says, "I think this study has been largely successful in providing scientific evidence that exercise is a good habit. Physical activity is great, and when you combine it with a plant-based mini diet, avoiding stress, getting regular, adequate sleep, and connecting with yourself, you have a magical recipe for health and well-being. . If you follow it, it can be your fountain of eternal youth."

Effects of walking on dementia

It has also been proven by Del Pozokars research that walking 10,000 steps per day reduces the risk of dementia by 50 percent. Earlier, another study was conducted that walking 3800 steps reduces the risk of dementia by 25 percent. However, brisk walking of 112 steps per minute for 30 minutes reduces the risk of dementia by 62 percent. It is not necessary to do brisk walking for 30 minutes at a time, but this period can be completed at different times throughout the day.

This research is based on the study of 78 thousand 500 people from England, Scotland and Wales, whose ages were between 40 and 79 years. These people were made to wear a step counter on their wrist for seven days without any break. After counting the number of daily steps taken by each person, the researchers divided them into two groups. Speeds below 40 steps per minute (such as walking from one room to another) and speeds above 40 steps per minute or what we can call "purposeful walking". A third group was described as high performance individuals, who Seven years after the study, researchers looked at the medical records of people who walked for 30 minutes during the day at a high pace (about 80 steps per minute), they had the lowest risks of cancer, heart disease and premature death.

Physical activity increases heart rate and volume, improves fitness, and all of these factors are important factors in preventing heart disease, cancer, and other health problems. The study said that people who want to be protected from the risk of dementia in old age need to focus on walking speed rather than distance. Experts also believe that it is a very interesting discovery that the speed of walking is more important than the distance. However, more research is needed in this regard.

Freeman says that every step is important. Every step taken in brisk walking plays an important role in reducing blood pressure and cardiovascular training. Your goal should be to hold your breath for 30 minutes each day. Shortness of breath while walking does not mean that you are breathing so fast that you can't catch your breath, but it means that if someone is walking with you and they talk to you, but you He had time to talk to him.

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